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Creativity Community of Practice (C-COP)

To further strengthen and maximize the impact of the BIC Corporate Foundation, we founded the Creativity Community of Practice (C-COP).


What is it?

The C-COP is a coalition of educators, researchers, not for profits, organizations, foundations, artists, and creatives that meet virtually and/or in person to exchange theories, ideas, and best practices. This global forum brings together experts, change makers, and becomes an open and creative space to explore how to maximize the collective impact.


Mission :

This community exists to accelerate the development of creative skills, amplify creativity in the design of education programs, and promote creativity in the adoption of education policies across the globe for children and youth. C-COP drives equal access to quality education by celebrating plurality in all its forms and by building an open and inclusive forum for collaborative knowledge creation and sharing.

Why accelerate the development of creative skills in children and youth across the globe?

  • Because it is an underserved concept in education systems globally 
  • Because teachers and parents need to be better supported  
  • Because it is a transformational tool for driving social equity  
  • Because investing in children today, builds a brighter future for tomorrow 


Core problems that guide C-COP focus:

  • Creativity is not viewed as important by all stakeholders (There is a need to nurture it across parents, educators, policy makers and NGOs)  
  • Schools don’t have the resources or the skills to effectively teach creative skills or to incorporate creative practices into teaching and learning activities to foster learning  
  • There is a lack of practical tools to measure creative skills and their impact 

Areas of Focus


Build a repository of global research and insights outlining the best practices and ‘state of research’ relating to the development of creative skills today. Summarize key learnings and practical application to make them accessible and relevant for policy makers and practitioners. 


Build initiatives to generate research and collate evidence to influence and persuade policy makers, educators, and parents of the importance of developing creative skills across all systems of education. 

For example, by curating ways to assess and measure the impact of the development of creative skills for educators – build evidence that documents the impact that creativity has on communities and learning outcomes. 


Develop programs and/or platforms to ensure existing and new research is made accessible to educators, policymakers, and not-for-profit leaders. 


Deliver events or learning programs to ‘upskill’ key stakeholders and build creativity ambassadors who are change-makers in their communities. 

For example : 

a. Sharing how creativity improves the learning process
b. Curating a set of tools and ‘how to’s’ to be incorporated into the development of programs
c. Developing practical tips to accelerate the impact of program leaders and implementors
d. Building a suite of small acts or ‘nudges’ to inspire others to be creative


Collaborate with thought leaders in education, arts, culture, government, and research to meet the objectives of the C-CoP and ensure buy-in from a wide range of actors working in the creativity space. 

C-COP member benefits

Through the sharing, creation, and management of knowledge around the domain, the community enables individuals to: 

  • Continue learning and developing professionally 
  • Access expertise 
  • Improve communication with peers 
  • Increase productivity and quality of work 
  • Network to keep current in the field 
  • Develop a sense of professional identity Enhance professional reputation
  • Enhance professional reputation to be its own bullet

The community benefits the participating organizations by: 

  • Reducing time/cost to retrieve information 
  • Reducing learning curves 
  • Improving knowledge sharing and distribution 
  • Reducing rework and reinvention 
  • Enabling innovation 
  • Benchmarking against influencing standards in education / programming practices 
  • Building alliances 

If you want to be part of this vibrant community, please click HERE

Come join us and be part of our Global Creativity Community of Practice. Together we will inspire the world and co-create a stronger, more innovative educational ecosystem - One that inspires the children of today, builds the change-makers of tomorrow, and empowers our youth to make their mark on this world!

If you have any questions or ideas to share to help us build this global community, please email us at c-cop@bicworld.com

Creativity in Education

A Critical Need and a Global Mandate

In honor of International Day of Education, trusted advisers of the BIC Foundation’s Creativity Community of Practice shared personal perspectives on why creativity in education is so critical to our collective future.