Nebeday: Reforestation and Environmental Education

NGO Name: Nebeday  -  Location: Senegal


Senegal currently experiences deforestation levels equal to 300 football courts per day. 

This is the result of strong population growth and economic development. Natural resources have been overexploited until reaching critical levels and disrupting the entire natural balance (disappearance of species, depletion of soils, endangerment of stocks of marine and forest resources ...). This creates a vicious circle of poverty for the communities that depend on it. 


The project aims to strengthen environmental education in the Senegalese school curriculum and raise awareness among children through a reforestation campaign. Students participate in workshops given by trained Nebeday animators, where they will learn about biology and the environment. They will be given trees to plant in their schools and villages and be in charge on ensuring their successful growth. Towards the end of the school year, the students whose trees have grown the most will be rewarded by participating in a 5-day Nature Trip to the mangroves area with students from all over the country. 

In their own words

The future of humanity goes through children through education for sustainable development and in Africa in particular so that children can study they need a pen and with us, the pen is called BIC, to say to how BIC is established in Senegal. That is why we are delighted with the partnership with BIC. BIC and Nebeday have something in common which is to find ways for future generations to be better than those past.

Jean Goepp, director of Nebeday.